This article will help those who are in need of the CoinMarketCap API better understand how to use them.
What is CoinMarketCap API?
This is a kind of cryptocurrency trading API provided by CoinMarketCap platform, which includes a set of outstanding endpoints - RESTful JSON specially designed with extremely high performance.
The CoinMarketCap API allows users to access market capitalization charts, retrieve all crypto-related data on the exchange (price, volume...) and much more.
It can be commented that the CoinMarketCap API is a great solution that meets the important requirements of the developer community and data scientist...
Why should I choose CoinMarketCap API?
- Offer a free plan to use.
- Simple, easy integration into applications.
- Allows access to an extremely rich amount of information, with a vast storage of cryptocurrency.
- Powerful, high security API.
- Provide both mobile applications for Smartphone users.
- Supports many familiar programming languages such as PHP, Python, Java (Android), C# (.NET), Node.js, Go, Ruby, Objective-C.
How to use CoinMarketCap API?
Here are the steps to help you get used to the CoinMarketCap API and apply it to your projects in the simplest way:
- Sign up for an account on CoinMarketCap.
- Log in to the account you just created.
- Go to and click the box “GET YOUR API KEY NOW”.
- Fill in the relevant information as requested from CoinMarketCap.
- Confirm the generation of API Key through the registered Email address.
- Copy your API from the API Key box in the top left panel.
- Call and test the API with the key you just copied.
- Build your own application.
You need to consider your actual usage needs and choose the most suitable plans.
Choose the “Basic” plan which is completely free for use only in case it meets your current needs.
If you want to see more details about the CoinMarketCap API documentation, you can visit here!