Having difficult distinguishing between API and SDK? Following article will help clear things up, let's refer to it now!
What is API?
API (Application Programming Interface) is probably a synopsis that isn't too strange for those who are active and work in the field of information technology.
It's a set of connection protocols that act as an intermediary mechanism that allows two software programs to interact with each other.
Each API will provide a separate function and serve a certain job.
We can apply APIs as a means of communication between software, applications, libraries and operating systems...
Some APIs are built to depend on a particular programming language.
Besides, there're also APIs that can be applied with many different programming languages.
But whether it's compatible with one or more programming languages, APIs has always been developed carefully.
They expose only externally requested data and keep other functional parts of application inaccessible.
What is SDK?
SDK (Software Development Kit) is a collection of tools and programs used to build platform-specific applications.
It provides libraries, templates, code samples, software debugging tools, additional documentation, technical notes and many other utilities... to help best support developer. Everything is presented as an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
Besides, SDK can also contain APIs, expressed as libraries to easily communicate with a certain language.
Almost every developer uses SDK if he wants to add advanced features, display ads and push notifications… to his applications.
In the market, there're many SDKs that are freely available and allow direct download from the Internet.
And often, SDK will be built and customized to be compatible with the programming language and corresponding features.
Difference between API and SDK
API is an interface that allows software programs to interact with each other.
It includes programming instructions used when accessing an application or online database.
SDK is a set of tools for building and developing software applications based on a certain platform.
As such, both API and SDK are capable of connecting to applications. However, their nature is quite different.
If you want to make it easier to understand, think about:
- API as a standard cake recipe. Based on that, you need to mix the dough and process the ingredients correctly, then bake them.
- SDK as a mixed dough and you just put it in the oven.
In short, SDK provides you with everything you need to develop a complete application or software.
And the simplest version of SDK sometimes contains only one API, consisting of related files that help to interact with a certain programming language.
Therefore, API can be seen as a simple SDK without debugging support.